How to Create a Real Estate Email Signature in Canva That Sells

Oct 24, 2023 | Articles


  1. Start from an email signature template
  2. Upload your brand elements
  3. Include your professional info and contact details
  4. Add a quality image of you and/or your brand logo
  5. Include a sales offer (CTA)
  6. Export as PNG or JPG
  7. Test and adjust
real estate email signature template

In the world of real estate, where every interaction counts, your email signature isn’t just a formality—it’s your silent ambassador. It’s the first and, often, the last thing your clients see in their inbox, making it a golden opportunity to leave an indelible mark. Here’s how you can create a professionally looking email signature using a free Canva account.

Start with a Clean Canvas

Open Canva and choose the “Email Signature” template to get started. Ensure that the dimensions are suitable for an email signature—typically, a width of around 600 pixels works well. This sets the foundation for a clean and professional layout.

Upload Brand Elements

Upload your brokerage’s logo and your professional photo. Canva allows you to easily drag and drop these elements onto your canvas. Position them strategically to create a balanced and visually appealing header. Consistent brand elements build trust and recognition.

What You Should Include in Your Email Signature

1. Full Name and Designation

Your full name and professional designation create the foundation of your email signature. It’s the first glimpse of who you are in the real estate world.


John Doe

Real Estate Agent

2. Contact Information

Make it easy for clients to reach out by including your direct phone number and a professional email address. Quick access to your contact details is key.


Phone: 555-123-4567


3. Social Media Links

In the age of digital connectivity, linking your professional social media profiles adds a personal touch and invites clients to connect with you beyond email.


  • LinkedIn:
  • Facebook:

4. Professional Photo

A picture is worth a thousand words. Including a professional headshot humanizes your signature, making it more memorable and establishing a personal connection.


5. Call-to-Action (CTA)

A well-crafted CTA encourages engagement. Whether it’s directing clients to your website or highlighting a featured property, it invites them to explore further. Feel free to customize this CTA based on the transaction status.


  • Explore our latest listings at
  • Ready to discuss your real estate needs? Schedule a call with me at your convenience.
  • Wondering what your dream home might cost? Get a personalized home estimate here.
  • Planning to buy? Download our Home Buying Guide for essential tips and insights.

6. Real Estate Credentials

Showcase your expertise with relevant certifications or awards. This builds trust and positions you as a knowledgeable professional in the real estate field.


John Doe

Real Estate Agent | Certified Residential Specialist (CRS)

7. Disclaimer

Meeting legal and privacy requirements is crucial. Including a brief disclaimer ensures you’re in compliance and sets expectations for confidential information.


This email may contain confidential information. If you have received it by mistake, please notify us immediately.

Save and Export

Once satisfied with your design, save it in a format suitable for email, such as PNG or JPG. Canva provides export options, allowing you to maintain image quality while ensuring a reasonable file size for email attachments.

Test and Adjust

Before implementing your new email signature, send it to yourself and a few colleagues to ensure it displays correctly on various devices and email platforms. Make any necessary adjustments for optimal visibility.

By leveraging Canva’s user-friendly interface and design tools, you can create a visually appealing real estate email signature that not only sells your services but also leaves a lasting impression on your clients.


Every interaction in real estate matters, especially your email signature. It’s your silent ambassador, a powerful tool to open doors to opportunities, facilitate networking, and impress clients.

Tools like Canva make it easy to create a beautiful signature, and transaction management tools like ListedKit can automate communications from the start. To meet the expectations of this new generation of clients, leverage the latest realtor technology. Learn more about the ListedKit Transaction Platform today!

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