End the Paperwork Chase: Strategies for Transaction Coordinators
Managing paperwork effectively is crucial for Transaction Coordinators. But with so many documents and deadlines, how can you stay organized without constantly chasing down paperwork? 🤔
What you’ll learn:
- Common challenges TCs face with paperwork
- Effective paperwork management processes
- Best practices for organizing digital files
- Ensuring compliance with legal requirements
- Improving communication with clients and stakeholders

Chelsea Wright
Chelsea Wright is an experienced real estate professional who, in less than two years, has scaled a team from 27 to 264 agents. She has coached hundreds of agents to double their income while massively improving their quality of life.
Today, Chelsea owns a Transaction Management Company (RenegadeTCs), sells residential real estate in Portland, Oregon, and coaches REALTORS® on how to transform their businesses and their lives.
This webinar teaches you how to…
Build systems to collect paperwork effectively
Ensure compliance in collection, handling and sharing of documentation
Balance communication preferences with a system that works for you
Create a papertrail from contract to close
Thursday, July 18th
at 1pm CST
Ideal for Transaction
Coordinators Admins
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Chelsea Wright
Chelsea Wright is a catalyst for change. As an experienced Realtor with a demonstrated history of success, she understands the unique challenges Realtors face in scaling their business.
She has worn every hat in the industry from team leader, to solo agent, to Transaction Coordinator, and ISA. Her multifaceted experience allowed her to scale a team from 27 to 264 strong agents through systems, models, and training in less than two years. She has coached hundreds of agents to double their income while massively improving their quality of life.
Today Chelsea owns a Transaction Management Company (RenegadeTCs), sells residential real estate in Portland, Oregon, and coaches REALTORS® on how to transform their businesses and their lives.

Watch On Demand
Build Workflows to Manage Paperwork Efficiently
In this webinar, Chelsea breaks down her process for handling 70+ files simultaneously while maintaining quality. Her unique “Batman vs. Robin” approach to TC roles and advice on building brokerage partnerships are must-hear for any TC looking to scale their business.
In this insightful interview, she reveals how to streamline communication with agents and clients, implement effective automation and systems, organize files consistently across multiple offices, set boundaries, manage expectations with clients, and more!