Sphere of Influence in Real Estate: Leveraging Relationships for Sustainable Growth

Aug 10, 2024 | Articles

As an independent transaction coordinator, your sphere of influence (SOI) is key to long-term growth in this competitive real estate market.

Your SOI is all the people you know who can impact your business through referrals and business opportunities. By nurturing these relationships, you can have a steady stream of clients, especially in the luxury market and during times of economic change.

In this article, you’ll learn how to grow and maintain your SOI, navigate market trends and incorporate sustainability into your strategy.

We’ll give you practical tips to help you become a go-to resource in the real estate industry and achieve long-term success. Stay tuned to turn your network into a powerful tool for thriving in the real estate game.

1. Identify and Expand Your Sphere of Influence

Your sphere of influence (SOI) is everyone you know personally and professionally. That’s your real estate agents, past clients, colleagues, friends and family. Start by making a list of everyone you interact with regularly. This is the foundation of your network.

  • Attend industry events to identify potential clients. Collect business cards and follow up with emails. This will help you meet people who can lead to transactions.
  • Join local business groups. Being part of a community group allows you to connect with other real estate professionals and investors. These networks can bring you valuable contacts to your career.
  • Use social media connections. Use LinkedIn to connect with professional contacts. Share industry news and insights to keep your audience engaged. This will build your reputation and bring in real estate business.
  • Focus on giving value. Share your knowledge about the real estate niche you work in. Sharing tips and insights will make you an expert and build loyalty with your network.

Relationships can make or break your career. Stay in touch with past clients and professional network contacts. Regular check-ins can lead to long-term careers and repeat business.

By following these tips, you can grow your SOI and have long-term growth in your real estate business.

2. Build Strong, Lasting Relationships

Building solid relationships with your Sphere of Influence (SOI) is key to long-term growth in real estate. Focus on building meaningful connections by communicating with your SOI regularly.

Make it a habit to send personalized emails or make calls. Share transaction advice and market insights. This will show you’re a real estate expert and keep you at the top of your potential client’s mind.

Give great service. Providing value beyond the transaction builds trust. Share resources like home maintenance tips or local market trends. This sets a standard for quality and shows you care about their needs.

Being responsive to your SOI’s questions and concerns will make you their go-to expert. They will appreciate your personal connection. Remember relationships are built on consistent engagement and genuine interest.

Consider using a table to track your interactions:

Contact NameLast ContactedNext Follow-UpNotes
John DoeJuly 15, 2024August 10, 2024Interested in buying soon
Jane SmithJuly 20, 2024August 15, 2024Looking for investment property

Relationship marketing gurus say personal touches make a big difference. A simple check-in or birthday greeting shows you care about your relationships.

By providing value and building strong relationships, you’ll keep your SOI loyal and have them refer you to others. This is a business built on trust and loyalty.

3. Leverage Technology for Efficient Management

Using technology wisely can help you manage your Sphere of Influence (SOI) better. Here’s how:

Automate Tasks

Using automation tools like ListedKit, you can handle tasks quickly. Automated emails and follow-ups will save you time so you can focus on building relationships.

Maintain an Online Presence

Online presence is key. Consider writing blog posts and sharing content regularly on social media platforms.

  • Social Media Ads: Facebook and Instagram ads can target specific segments of your SOI.
  • Content Marketing: Create content that resonates with your audience.

Use Digital Marketing Tools

Digital marketing platforms help you manage your marketing.

  • Marketing Calendar: Schedule email and direct mail campaigns to stay in touch.
  • Google Ads & Google PPC: Use for targeted marketing.
  • Branded Posts: Share relevant professional posts to stay online.

Offer Valuable Content

Sharing valuable content keeps your network engaged.

  • Real Estate Seminars: Host online seminars to give expertise.
  • Print Marketing & Quality Advertising: Use digital design tools to make your print advertising look great.

Track & Analyze

Track and measure your activities using tools. This will help you see what’s working and what needs improvement. Use these strategies to ensure your SOI remains nurtured and organized.

4. Encourage and Maximize Referrals

Proactively asking for referrals can be a big win for your client base. Don’t be afraid to ask your happy clients for referrals. Sometimes, just reminding them you appreciate referrals will bring in more business.

Offer incentives to those who refer new clients to you. This could be a gift card, discount on future services or entry into a special drawing.

Keep your referral sources engaged. Update them regularly on market trends and your recent successes. Thank them personally when they send business your way. A handwritten thank you note goes a long way.

Consider hosting client events to keep your network strong. Client event ideas include casual meet-and-greets, holiday parties, or educational seminars. These events will help you build relationships and remind your clients of the value you bring.

Use real estate lead magnets like free home valuation tools or informative eBooks to attract potential leads. Once you establish yourself as a trusted resource you’ll get higher quality, qualified leads from your network.

Focus on building a 100% referral-based real estate business by nurturing your sphere of influence. Engage on social media and stay in touch through regular emails or phone calls. Warm leads from referrals are often more valuable than cold leads from elsewhere.

And finally, ask for referrals after a transaction. Happy clients will often recommend you to their friends and family.

5. Use Client Portals for Easy Management

Client portals are a game changer for transaction coordinators like you, especially when you have multiple clients and a big sphere of influence (SOI).

These portals are a central hub where all communication, documents and updates are easily accessible to you and your clients. This is key to building strong relationships as it reduces miscommunication and makes sure everyone is on the same page.

One of the biggest benefits of using a client portal is it keeps your clients informed and engaged throughout the entire transaction process.

With real-time updates at their fingertips, clients can track their transactions without having to reach out to you for every detail.

This transparency not only enhances the client experience but frees up your time to focus on other areas of your business, like growing your SOI or nurturing existing relationships.

Plus the secure storage and sharing of documents through the portal makes sure nothing gets lost or missed which is key to building trust and efficiency in your services.

Here are some tips to make the most out of a client portal:

  • Update the portal regularly: Keep it filled with the latest information and documents so your clients always have the most up-to-date info.
  • Encourage use: Tell your clients to use the portal for everything, from checking transaction status to reviewing and signing documents. This will make them feel more involved.
  • Set reminders: Use the portal to set reminders for yourself and your clients for important tasks or deadlines. This way, nothing falls through the cracks, and every transaction runs smoothly.

By using a client portal as part of your daily workflow, you can stay organized and efficient, which is key to managing a big SOI.

ListedKit’s client portal takes this to the next level. It’s a user-friendly, all-in-one solution for SOI management. It allows you to share documents, track multiple transactions, and manage all your client relationships in one place. This not only enhances the client experience with a transparent and organized process but also positions you as a professional who is efficient and client-centric.

6. Measure and Adapt Your SOI Strategy

To grow your real estate career, you need to measure the success of your Sphere of Influence (SOI) strategy. Track referral rates and client retention to see how well you build relationships.

Key Metrics to Track

  • Referral Rates: How many of your clients are referred by your SOI? This shows how much trust and value your network has in your services.
  • Client Retention: How many clients come back for repeat business? High retention means you’re doing a good job of relationship management.

Continuous Improvement

To stay ahead of the competition, keep refining your SOI strategy. Get feedback from clients and your network to see what works and what doesn’t.

Steps to Improve:

  1. Collect Feedback: Use surveys or direct conversations to get opinions on your services.
  2. Analyze Data: Use social network analysis software and other tools to see trends and patterns in your SOI efforts.
  3. Implement Changes: Use these insights to adjust your real estate business plan. Focus on what gets you the most referrals and retention.

Attend seminars and stay current with market trends so your strategy for success stays current. Your lead generation efforts should be dynamic and flexible so you stay ahead in the real estate game.

You can build a sustainable real estate business by measuring and adapting your SOI strategy consistently.

7. Overcome Common Challenges

Like other jobs, being a transaction coordinator comes with its own challenges, especially when managing your sphere of influence (SOI).

Here are some common obstacles that you can face and how you can resolve them.

  • Rejection: It’s part of the process. Use it as a learning opportunity. Ask for feedback if applicable.
  • Unresponsive Contacts: Balance persistence with politeness. Sometimes, a different approach or medium (email or social media) will get a response.
  • Diminishing Engagement Over Time: If you notice engagement with your SOI is dwindling re-evaluate the value you’re providing. Consider offering something new like industry insights or exclusive access to resources to re-ignite interest.
  • Burnout from Over Engagement: Constantly engaging with a large SOI can lead to burnout. Recognize the signs and, give yourself permission to take short breaks, and focus on quality over quantity in your interactions.
  • Unexpected Shifts in SOI Dynamics: Sometimes a significant change in your SOI, like a key contact moving away or changing industries, can disrupt your network. Stay flexible and ready to adapt by continuously growing your SOI to mitigate these risks.


Building and maintaining a strong Sphere of Influence (SOI) is crucial for your long-term success in real estate. The strategies mentioned earlier emphasize the importance of nurturing relationships and leveraging your network for consistent growth.

Implementing these tips is a practical step toward achieving your business goals. Begin by identifying your current SOI and regularly engage with them. Send updates, provide valuable content, and keep the communication lines open.

Use tools like ListedKit to streamline your SOI management. Technology can help you track interactions, schedule follow-ups, and ensure no potential lead is left unattended.