How to Create and Use Real Estate Email Templates to Streamline Client and Stakeholder Communication

Aug 17, 2024 | Articles

Communication is important to a transaction coordinator’s success, as every detail needs to be communicated to clients and stakeholders. 

But, managing multiple emails and keeping them consistent can be overwhelming. That’s where email templates come in.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to create and use real estate email templates that will save you time and improve the quality of your communications.

Whether new to email templates or looking to optimize your existing ones, this step-by-step approach will help you communicate better in every transaction.

Real Estate Communication Challenges

Communication in real estate involves coordinating with multiple parties, buyers, sellers and property managers. Independent transaction coordinators face the challenge of maintaining professional communication across all these interactions.

One of the biggest issues is keeping track of the hundreds of emails you send daily. This can lead to oversights and missed opportunities. Another problem is keeping the information consistent. Different styles and tones can confuse clients.

Plus, customizing each email to different transaction stages takes time and effort. This slows down the process and can impact your ability to manage multiple transactions at once.

Benefits of Email Templates

Email templates can streamline your email communications and solve many of the real estate problems. One of the biggest benefits is time-saving. With pre-made templates, you can send out consistent and professional messages without having to draft each one from scratch.

Consistency is another big plus. Templates ensure your communication is uniform, reducing the risk of sending mixed messages or missing out on important details. Consistency builds credibility for your real estate business.

Templates also reduce errors. Pre-written templates reduce the risk of typos and ensure all the information is included. This is especially helpful when sending complex instructions or critical updates.

Templates can also be part of your marketing strategy. You can engage with potential clients and maintain long-term relationships by sending regular updates and follow-ups.

And using email templates makes you look professional. Templates are crafted to include the right tone and information so you can manage your interactions smoothly.

How to Get Started with Email Templates

Effective communication is crucial in real estate transactions. Email templates streamline this process, ensuring consistent and timely messaging. To leverage these tools effectively, you need to understand key communication points and select the right software for your needs.

Key Touchpoints

You need to identify the critical stages in a transaction where communication is key. These touchpoints are initial inquiries, follow-up meetings, contract signings and closing confirmations. Identifying these moments means you stay proactive and keep in touch with clients and stakeholders.

Make a list of these touchpoints. For example:

  • Response to inquiry
  • Scheduling a property tour
  • Sending a contract
  • Update on the transaction process

By planning your communication points, you can create templates that cover all the details, and clients get consistent and complete information throughout their real estate journey.

Choosing the Right Email Template Software

Choosing the right email template software is key to streamline your communication. Many email marketing platforms offer powerful tools with lots of features. One of them is ListedKit, known for its user-friendly interface and features designed for real estate.

ListedKit has:

  • Customizable templates
  • Integration with other digital tools
  • Automation to send emails at key stages

Investing in good software will enhance your online presence and make managing your email lists and ad campaigns more easy. Look for email providers that have the features you need to keep your communication smooth and professional.

How to Create Real Estate Email Templates

To create real estate email templates that streamline communication, you need to focus on structure, content and details.

Structure for Clarity and Impact

Format your email so it’s easy to read. Use short paragraphs and bullet points to break up the text.

Use a clear subject line that reflects the purpose of the email, such as “Your Next Home Awaits!” or “Follow up on your property inquiry.”

Keep the email body brief. Bold or italicize key points to draw attention. Use headings if needed.

Use a readable font size and leave enough white space. So the recipient can get the message quickly without feeling overwhelmed.


The tone should be professional but friendly. Use simple and direct language, and avoid jargon that will confuse the recipient.

Start with a personal greeting. Use the recipient’s name if possible. Use phrases like “Thank you for your interest” or “We can help you”.

Be transparent and honest. Explain the process or steps. For example, if it’s a follow-up, mention the previous interaction. End with a call to action (CTA) to encourage the recipient to take the next step, e.g., schedule a call or visit a property.

Details to Include

In every template, some details are must-haves. Use this checklist to make sure you cover all:

  • Contact Details: Your name, company and phone number should be visible.
  • Property Details: Address, price and key features.
  • Custom Fields: Personalize the email with fields like the recipient’s name and any relevant details about their inquiry.
  • Email Address: Make sure your email address is professional and recognizable.
  • CTA Buttons: Use “Schedule a Visit” or “Request More Info”.
  • Legal Info: Disclaimers or legal notes, if required, for your region.

By following these steps, you’ll have professional and effective emails and a consistent and reliable image.

Using ListedKit to Automate Email Templates

ListedKit helps you communicate with clients and stakeholders. Customize email templates with transaction-specific information and automate the process of easy email management.

Setting up your Email Templates in ListedKit

Go to the “Email Templates” section from the left sidebar. Here, you can view existing templates or create new ones.

To make your templates more dynamic add variables. Scroll to the bottom of the template and click “Add Variable” to insert transaction-specific details. For more customization, advanced fields can be added in account settings.

Once you have created templates add them to transaction kits. Select the kit, select the milestone and add the template. Assign recipients or make it auto-send. Don’t forget to set due dates for automated emails and save all changes.

Automating Your Communication

ListedKit’s automation will send emails at the right time and in the right place throughout the transaction process. First select the relevant transaction kits and milestones. Add the email to those milestones and configure the sending options. You can send now or schedule for later.

You can also connect your Gmail account to send emails from your address. If not set up, emails will be sent from Make sure all fields are filled in before saving.

By automating your emails, you’ll get prompt responses and easy email management. This will eliminate the need for repetitive tasks like follow-up reminders and keep every transaction and communication on track.

Email Template Best Practices

To communicate effectively with clients and stakeholders, you must personalize your email templates and regularly review and update them for performance.

Personalizing Templates for Clients

Personalizing your templates will make each client feel seen and heard. Start by including the client’s name in the subject line and opening the email. This simple trick will increase client engagement and satisfaction.

Use client data to customize your emails. For example, show them similar listings if a client has shown interest in a particular property type.

You can also mention recent client interactions or specific details to make it personal.

Use dynamic fields in your email marketing. These will allow you to pull unique data for each email and make the message more targeted and relevant. Real-life examples are referencing a client’s recent inquiry about a property or congratulating them on a recent purchase. This will help you build better relationships with clients and provide a better experience.

Reviewing and Updating Your Templates

Regularly reviewing and refining your email templates is key to their performance. Start by looking at metrics like open rates, click-through rates and responses to see how your email campaign is performing.

Schedule regular reviews of your templates. Every quarter, review each template and identify areas for improvement. You need to keep your content fresh and relevant to maintain high customer satisfaction and engagement.

Get your Customer Success team involved in the review process. They’ll be able to give you insight into common client questions or issues, and you can update your templates to address those directly.

Make sure to include market updates and company news in your templates. This will keep your communication always timely and relevant and improve the overall client experience and relationship.

Test different elements like subject lines and CTAs regularly, see what works best and adjust your email marketing accordingly.

Real Estate Email Template Examples

These email templates will help you communicate with your clients clearly throughout the real estate process from introduction to close and beyond.

New Client Welcome Email

Use a welcome email when you first connect with a new client. This sets the tone for the relationship and provides the basics.

Template Example:

Subject: Welcome to [Your Real Estate Agency]

Hi [Client’s Name],

Thanks for choosing [Your Real Estate Agency]. We’ll be happy to help you with your real estate needs. Here’s what you can expect from us:

  • Personalized Service: We’ll tailor our service to your needs.
  • Regular Communication: We’ll keep you informed every step of the way.
  • Availability: You can contact us anytime at [phone/email].


[Your Name] [Your Contact Information]

Transaction Update

A transaction update email keeps clients informed of the progress of their transactions. It’s transparent and keeps them engaged.

Template Example:

Subject: Your Transaction Update

Hi [Client’s Name],

We just wanted to update you on your transaction:

  • Inspection Complete: Property inspection went well.
  • Next Step: Appraisal is scheduled for [Date].
  • What’s Pending: Waiting for final loan approval.

Let us know if you have any questions or need more info.

[Your Name] [Your Contact Information]

Close and Follow Up Emails

Send a close email when a transaction is complete and follow up to stay in touch and get future business.

Template Example for Close:

Subject: You Did It! You’re a Homeowner!

Hi [Client’s Name],

You did it! We’re thrilled to let you know your transaction has closed. Here’s what’s next:

  • Keys Pick Up: You can collect your keys at [Location/Time].
  • Utility Setup: Remember to set up your utilities.
  • Moving Tips: Local movers and services.

Thanks for choosing us. Enjoy your new home!

[Your Name] [Your Contact Information]

Template Example for Follow-Up:

Subject: How’s Your New Home?

Hi [Client’s Name],

It’s been [Time Period] since you moved in. We hope you’re getting settled. We just wanted to check in and make sure everything is good.

If you have any questions or need help with anything, let us know. We’re here to assist with any future real estate needs.

[Your Name] [Your Contact Information]

How Email Templates Impact Your Workflow

Email templates will help you communicate with clients and stakeholders more effectively. Tracking metrics like response rates and feedback is key to getting the most out of them.

Email Performance

To see how your email templates are performing, you need to track certain metrics. Response rates are the most important one. If your response rates are high, it means your templates are working well and are relevant.

Conversion rates are the number of emails that result in a desired action, like a meeting or a transaction. By tracking these metrics, you can see which templates are working and which need work.

Check your detailed analytics, too. Tools like Google Analytics can give you insight into how recipients interact with your emails. Open rates, click-through rates, and time spent on emails will give you a full picture of your email performance.

Feedback from clients and stakeholders

Feedback from clients and stakeholders is gold. After you send out emails, follow up with the recipients and ask their thoughts. Ask specific questions about what they liked or found confusing.

Use this feedback to tweak your templates. For example, if multiple clients mention that a certain section is unclear, you can change that section to make it more clear.

Creating a feedback loop means your templates will evolve from real-world interactions. This will not only improve your workflow but also keep your communication client-centric. Updating your templates regularly based on feedback will keep your emails fresh and relevant.


Using and creating email templates is a game changer in the real estate industry. It allows transaction coordinators like you to communicate more, save time, and be consistent across all interactions.

From addressing common communication issues to setting up automated workflows, these templates will make your daily tasks easier and help you manage multiple transactions.

The bottom line is that well-crafted, personalized templates will reduce errors and build stronger relationships with clients and stakeholders. To really get the most out of your workflow, check out how ListedKit’s email automation can take your communication to the next level so that every email you send is on time, accurate, and professional.