Email Templates for Real Estate TCs with Unrepresented Buyers: 2024 Guide

Sep 13, 2024 | Articles

In 2024, we’re seeing a noticeable rise in people choosing to buy without an agent. It’s almost certainly because of fresh rules and market changes that have resurrected a mistrust in real estate agents’ motivations and interests.

As a transaction coordinator, you might need to really improve your skills to keep pace with these developments.

This guide will actually give you the resources and insights for engaging and assisting buyers who decide not to use an agent.

With straightforward email templates crafted for each step of the buying journey, this post has got everything you need for tackling the hurdles and taking advantage of this new trend.

Why Unrepresented Buyers Are On The Rise In 2024

Real estate used to see about 89% of buyers using real estate brokers and agents but now that number is expected to drop. Recent events like the National Association of Realtors $418M settlement and new rules are driving this trend.

  • Buyers’ Choice: More buyers are choosing to go unrepresented in real estate transactions. This is partly because of the potential commission savings.
  • Changing Landscape: Since the NAR settlement, the buying and selling of homes is changing. Many expect the settlement will lead to more unrepresented buyers.

Reasons that Drive this Shift

  1. Commission Savings: Buyers want to save on agent fees.
  2. Information: Online listings make it easier for buyers to find properties.
  3. Market Knowledge: Some buyers feel they can navigate the market on their own.

Implication for Transaction Coordinators

While buyers without representation are more often taking the reins of their transactions due to a shift in thinking, your role as a transaction coordinator remains incredibly important. This change introduces new tasks like:

  • Legal Compliance: Make sure all paperwork and contracts are legal.
  • Buyer Education: Educate buyers on the real estate transaction process.
  • More Coordination: Manage tasks like inspections, appraisals and title searches without an agent’s guidance.

For instance, in a situation where the buyer opts out of hiring an agent, you’d step up as a transaction coordinator to thoroughly explain each document and procedure. You’d accompany the buyer during inspections and manage all communications with sellers and any other involved parties.

This kind of hands-on approach tends to keep things running smoothly while providing reassurance to the buyer and maintaining (the overall integrity) of the process.

Tips for Transaction Coordinators

  • Stay Current: Stay up to date with legal changes and market updates.
  • Clear Guidance: Give step-by-step instructions to buyers who are new to the process.
  • Communication: Communicate clearly with all parties involved.

Must-Have Email Templates For TCs

Having email templates is important for transaction coordinators (TCs) working with unrepresented buyers.

These emails will ensure clear communication and avoid misunderstandings throughout the transaction process.

1. First Contact With An Unrepresented Buyer

This email is to establish contact, introduce yourself, and set expectations.

Start with a warm introduction and explain what a transaction coordinator does. Describe the steps you will take to help them through the closing process and what documents you will need from them.

First Contact With An Unrepresented Buyer

Subject: Welcome to Your Home Buying Journey

Hi [Client Name],

I’m [Your Name], the Transaction Coordinator who will be working with you on your home purchase. My job is to make sure all paperwork is done correctly and on time and compliance issues are handled smoothly.

To get started please provide [List of Initial Documents]. Reach out if you have any questions.


[Your Name]

2. Explaining The Option Period

The option period is a critical phase where buyers can review inspections and decide to move forward.

Make sure to explain what this period is, the timeline, and the decisions that need to be made.


Explaining The Option Period

Subject: Option Period

Hi [Client Name],

The option period is for you to do any inspections and decide if you want to move forward with the purchase. This period is [Number of Days] days.

During this time you will need to:

  • Schedule property inspections
  • Review the inspection report
  • Decide on any repair requests

Make sure to complete these by [Deadline Date]. If you have any questions I’m here to help.


[Your Name]

3. Coordinating Inspections

Scheduling property inspections is a big part of the process. It ensures that any issues with the property are identified early, allowing for informed decisions and negotiations if necessary.

Your job is to make sure these appointments are set and the buyer knows what to expect.

Coordinating Inspections

Subject: Property Inspections

Hi [Client Name],

We need to schedule your property inspections. Here are the available times for the inspector to visit the property:

[Date and Time]
[Date and Time]

Before the inspection please make sure: All utilities are on
Locked areas are accessible

After the inspection, I will follow up with the report and next steps.


[Your Name]

4. Repair Requests

Going through inspection results and talking about repairs can be quite a sensitive topic since it often brings up pricey problems that might change the terms of the deal and, eventually, the final agreement.

As a coordinator handling transactions, it’s incredibly important for you to manage these chats skillfully.

You want to make sure both sides feel understood and fair fixes are suggested. This phase is really essential because it typically decides if things will go smoothly or if there will be delays or even negotiation breakdowns.

Repair Requests

Subject: Overview of Inspection Results and Repair Options

Hey [Client Name],

Following our recent check-up on the property, here are some main points:

  • [Finding 1: Description]
  • [Finding 2: Description]

Considering these points, we need to chat about possible repairs. Here are your choices:

  • Ask the seller to fix these issues.
  • Negotiate a lower sale price so you can cover repair costs yourself.
  • Move forward with buying without asking for any fixes.

Let me know what you’d like to do next or if there’s anything else you need cleared up so we can tackle everything quickly (and keep things moving along).

Best regards,

[Your Name]

5. Pre-Closing

As we get close to closing, outline the last steps including document reviews and financial prep. Make sure the buyer is ready for closing.

Pre Closing

Subject: Final Steps Before Closing

Hi [Client Name],

We are closing soon! Here are the final steps you need to do:

  • Review all closing documents
  • Make sure all funds are ready
  • Schedule a final walk-through

Make sure to complete these by [Closing Date]. Reach out if you have any questions or need help.


[Your Name]

Following these templates will give you clear communication and a smooth contract-to-close experience for your buyers. This will not only make your job easier but also meet client expectations better.

If you want to get checklists, email templates, and scripts for other real estate transactions, be sure to check out this page.

Customizing Templates For Specific Situations

Customizing email templates is key to building client relationships in real estate. To address buyer concerns, transaction types and unexpected situations use these tips:

Adapt Templates for Different Buyer Concerns:

  • First-Time Homebuyers: Explain the buying process in detail.
  • Investors: Highlight the property’s potential and ROI.
  • Upsizing or Downsizing: Address space or budget adjustments.

Adapt to Different Transaction Types:

  • Closing Transactions: Send reminders about inspections and signing dates.
  • Follow-Ups: After a property visit summarize the key points and next steps.
  • Offers and Counteroffers: Clearly state the terms and deadlines.

Handling Unexpected Situations:

  • Delays: Notify clients immediately and suggest alternatives.
  • Price Changes: Update clients on market trends and reasons for the change.
  • Property Issues: Offer solutions and keep clients informed.

Strategies for Personalizing Emails:

  • Use the client’s name and specific details about their situation.
  • Reference previous conversations or specific interests (e.g. favorite neighborhoods or property types).
  • Be professional but friendly.
  • Use variables like transaction-specific details to make templates dynamic.
  • Get advice from a mentor with experience and have a business plan.
  • Attend meetups to stay up to date on market and real estate investing trends.

Personalized communication will help you wow clients and build long-term relationships in a competitive market.

Creating Email Templates In ListedKit

If you want an easier way to store and use your templates, ListedKit can help you with that. Here’s how you can create email templates inside this transaction management software.

  • Go to the “Email Templates” section on the left-hand side. This will show you existing templates or allow you to create a new one from scratch.
  • View current templates or create new ones.
  • Add variables to make it more personalized. Scroll to the bottom of the template and click “Add Variable”. This will insert transaction-specific details and make your communication more relevant and effective.
  • For more customization, you can tweak advanced fields in the account settings. This will allow you to customize your templates to your specific needs and make your communication more efficient.

Once you have created your templates you can add them to transaction kits. Select the kit and the milestone then attach the template. You can assign recipients manually or set the emails to auto-send.

Additional ListedKit Feature

ListedKit also allows you to connect your Gmail account. If not set up emails will come from Make sure to fill in all fields before saving the templates.

By automating your emails you’ll not only simplify your communication but also be proactive. No more follow-up reminders, every transaction and communication is tracked.

ListedKit has more features like the client portal that make client management easy. Market listings and built-in official forms also help with real estate transactions, making it easier to manage client documents and agreements.

Final Thoughts

These templates and strategies will help you fortify your communication so every transaction is handled with precision.

As you use these email templates you’ll find they simplify your workflows and level up your service to clients.

Adding ListedKit to your daily routine will help you guide unrepresented buyers even more, a one-stop shop for everything transactional.

This will keep you at the helm of transaction coordination, ready for the changing market with ease and authority.