Real Estate Marketing Tips for Agents

Sep 23, 2022 | Uncategorized

Real Estate Marketing Tips for Agents

Effective marketing has proven to be one of the most lucrative and valuable components of any real estate agent’s business, so we’ve compiled our top real estate marketing tips to help guide your enterprise. 

Create a Comprehensive Real Estate Marketing Strategy

The first step in any marketing endeavor is to outline a comprehensive plan. Successful real estate marketing will help you close more deals, and give potential clients the information they need to find the right agent or home for them.

Conduct Market Research

Market research will help you base your real estate marketing strategies on facts. The research will allow you to find out what people in the area want, what your competitors offer, and the relevant trends in your region. 

You can use online industry articles and resources, but it’s also important to learn from other agents and leaders in your market. Real estate forums offer information such as property demand and commission rates that may help you identify gaps in the market.

Describe Your Target Audience

Before you start any marketing initiatives, you must understand your audience. Determine who your ideal audience is, what they need, and which of your services are the most suitable. Age, location, education level, income, and other characteristics can all be used to define your target audience. 

Assess Your Competition

While you’re assessing your market, evaluate the competition. Use online tools to see which brokerages are currently active in your region and what business they’re currently doing. At the same time, you can learn what they’ve been doing in their recent marketing efforts. 

After your research, it’ll be easier to create something unique that stands out. Knowing your competition also helps you evaluate the pain points experienced by clients receiving real estate services from other companies, which enables you to identify more market gaps.

Articulate Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

A USP is the one thing that makes your real estate business stand out from your competition and creates a positive impression with potential clients. Your USP should be the brand message you will use to market yourself. It’s similar to a tagline in advertising or slogan in any other business.

Construct a Timeline With Milestones

Create a timeline with milestones that will guide your next steps in the campaign. A timeline will show how long it will take you to implement each step. It helps you determine how quickly you achieve your real estate objectives. 

Develop a Clear Budget Plan

A budget plan will help you organize your expenses and maximize the results of your efforts. It is also essential to have a budget plan to know if the strategy fits into your overall business goals and financial objectives.

Select Your Media Channels

A media channel is any platform you use to connect with your audience. It can be traditional, such as newspaper or TV ads, or it could be digital, such as social media and blogs. The main goal when selecting a media channel is to find a way to reach the most people in your target audience.

Video Advertising: TV & YouTube

Use television ads to promote your real estate services. TV commercials can get leads quickly because of their extensive reach, but are more difficult to target to specific audiences.

YouTube allows you to build up authority on your channel by creating and sharing videos about your business. The more popular your videos get, the more people will find them when searching for your brand or service name.

Audio Channels: Radio & Podcast Advertising

Use podcasts, radio ads, and audio programs to connect with a large audience at the right time. Audio channels are excellent for presenting a brief message that keeps your client’s attention. Podcasts and radio ads educate and inform people about the local market trends.

While online advertising is more targeted, podcast advertising is a great medium to reach the local community. Podcast listeners share their favorite recordings with friends, family members, and potential clients. It brings in new leads for your business and increases your visibility as a professional brand in the real estate industry.

Print & Digital Publications: Newspapers and Magazines

Newspapers and local real estate magazines are great ways to reach your target audience. In addition to gathering information locally, they allow you to build customer loyalty by providing helpful content such as relocation guides and home buying tips. 

Develop Your Social Media Strategy

Social media allows you to connect with potential buyers and sellers directly while they are online. Social media is a great way to grow your audience and build authority in the industry. It’s also easy to share both videos and written content published on your website.

Use social media to reach your target audience in a variety of ways. Facebook offers the opportunity to connect with current clients and showcase your expertise, whereas LinkedIn provides a platform to share industry insights and help build thought leadership. Twitter connects you with influencers in the area and shows insight into local market trends that may affect your business model. Instagram and Pinterest allow you to share appealing photos that attract potential clients.

Your social media content strategy should provide valuable real estate information relevant to your audience.

Tap Into Referrals and Testimonials

Referrals and testimonials are the perfect methods to spread the word about your business. When you gain a new customer, don’t forget to ask them to share their positive experience with your business with their family and friends. 

Referrals are an indirect advertisement that perfectly demonstrates a person’s trust in you and your abilities.

ListedKit’s referral assistant helps you generate new referrals from satisfied clients.

Tip from the Team

Testimonials show potential clients that you are an experienced, reputable real estate professional.

Adopt Email Marketing

Use email marketing to send out leads to potential clients interested in your company or product. Email is an efficient way to engage with your audience and drive them to complete the next action in your marketing strategy. As a real estate agent, you should create a high-quality email newsletter that encourages people to sign up for it. 

Email is also a direct contact method when consumers have inquiries about your business. You must respond to the queries promptly, which is why it can be helpful to set up an autoresponder or use email software for reply automation.

Email marketing tools are online lead-capturing tools that allow you to create an opt-in list and make it regularly available for subscribers. Once a prospective client signs up, it will go straight to your inbox and appear on the landing page of your website.

Create Your Real Estate Website

Your website is the hub for your digital marketing campaigns. The site serves as a platform to showcase your services, capabilities, and expertise. Potential clients must find you easily through search engines and learn about the real estate industry in a way that applies to their needs.

Focus On User Experience

The website design should be user-friendly and easy to navigate through. Organize the site’s content into an easy-to-follow structure, making the pages comprehensive and searchable for people searching for information about the real estate industry.

Your real estate website acts as a virtual brochure. You can share house descriptions and provide valuable content like videos, podcasts, or articles published on other websites.

Prioritize Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Search engine optimization is a strategy that helps your website to appear higher on search results for keywords. With the extensive use of keywords in your content, you attract targeted traffic from targeted users.

PPC Advertising

Search engine advertising helps to increase web traffic, whereas pay-per-click (PPC) advertising helps to convert those web visitors into customers. 

Real estate businesses can learn how to utilize PPC effectively by generating high-quality leads, increasing website traffic, and improving ROI. Make sure you have a well-defined budget and a specific target market, so your PPC campaign will meet these targets. 

Find a Professional Photographer

A professional photographer produces high-quality imagery that vividly depicts your properties. They should portray the essence of the property in a way that will attract buyers when placed on your website. 

Emphasize Data and Identify the Metrics To Employ

As a real estate agents, you must have your own goals and KPIs to measure the quality of your marketing.

The metrics associated with each channel should be collected and analyzed so that you can view data in an actionable way. This information helps you to determine your ROI and make changes based on the metrics generated by different campaigns. 

  • Website traffic volume is a straightforward metric that shows the number of visitors to your website. The metric gives you insight into how your site performs during different periods. 
  • The Click-through rates (CTR) metric helps you measure website performance. The metric reveals the number of clicks on the website’s ad compared with the total number of impressions resulting from your marketing efforts. 
  • The conversion rate metric helps you evaluate the effectiveness of your website. The conversion rate tells you the percentage of website visitors who convert to a lead or a customer. 
  • Cost per acquisition (CPA) is another helpful metric calculated based on the amount of money spent on real estate marketing and the number of leads generated. As a real estate agent, you can compare your CPA with the CPA of a competitor to find out who performs better.
  • Every business needs to determine its marketing efforts’ ROI. The online and offline marketing ROI metric helps you analyze the quality of your campaigns and understand which channels are performing to generate leads. 

The ROI analysis illustrates the effectiveness of your digital real estate marketing efforts. The ratio shows how well you have spent money on marketing using a particular media type compared with the profitability you achieved from those investments. 

Evaluate online and offline marketing activities or compare their effectiveness by calculating their combined ROI ratio. The higher the value for this ratio, the better your performance in generating leads for your business.

Get Listed

There are many business marketing applications available on the market. Some apps help you generate leads, while others allow you to find and list properties.


Zillow is a real estate website that enables users to search for properties and research details on local markets. As a realtor, you have the opportunity to get your business information listed on Zillow by filling out their online form. 

List your services free of charge with the option to include photos of your work, choose what you want others to see, and provide detailed information about specific properties. Once this information gets published on the site, potential customers can find you and contact you for a consultation.

Google My Business

Google My Business helps real estate agents to advertise, market, and share information about their businesses online. The site provides a suite of tools that you can use to promote your business and generate leads from potential customers. 

The first step in using Google My Business is creating a verified site listing. The listing enables you to get more customers by including links to your social media profiles and official website. 

Once you verify the account, you can add or remove details about your business like address details, street view images of your property or office building, office hours, phone number, and email address.

Organize Engaging Events

An engaging event to generate leads and attract clients is a great way to advertise your real estate business. The event will help market your services more effectively and grow your business.

You can then utilize ListedKit’s CRM tool to maintain developed client relationships.

Tip from the Team

Host Home Viewings: Real and Virtual

Hosting a home viewing is a great way to encourage potential buyers and renters to visit your listing. Visitors will have the opportunity to view your property from all angles, ask questions and give you their feedback before they choose whether to contact you and ask for a real estate consultation or make an offer. 

Virtual home viewing is another excellent way to market your property online. You can create virtual tours of your listings and share them on online platforms. This content allows potential customers to see what your property looks like and helps them understand the quality of the unit in more detail.

Give Buyers a Neighborhood Tour

A neighborhood tour allows potential customers to learn more about the real estate site and helps them decide when choosing a property for sale or rent. 

You can organize the tour in advance or accompany clients at their request. Your clients may want to discuss different properties with you and find out how close their properties are to schools, parks, and other facilities. 

Wrapping Up

Real estate is a business that requires you to do considerable work. As a real estate agent, you need to market and sell your properties to generate leads for your business. These real estate marketing tips will help you promote your business more effectively.

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