Increase Productivity:
Task Batching Methods for
TCs & Admins

Join us Thursday, June 27 at 1 PM CT for a webinar with Kristi Winfree, Transaction Coordinator Business Owner, and discover the power of task batching. Kristi will share how this technique can streamline your workflow, reduce distractions, and boost productivity.

What you’ll learn:

  • The benefits of task batching and how to implement it effectively.

  • Real-life examples of task batching in real estate transactions.

  • Tips for prioritizing tasks and minimizing distractions.

  • Tools and techniques to streamline your workflow.

Kristi Winfree


Kristi Winfree

Kristi Winfree is the owner of Legacy Transactions, founded in 2017. With years of experience in the real estate industry, Kristi has established herself as a leading expert in Transaction Coordination. In addition to running her own business, Kristi also coaches other Transaction Coordinators, helping them navigate the complexities of the industry and achieve their professional goals.

This webinar will teach you how to…

Prioritize tasks across multiple transactions effectively.

Streamline transaction processes from start to finish.

Prioritize and manage time effectively.

Leverage technology to boost productivity.


Thursday, June 27th

at 1pm CST

Ideal for Transaction

Coordinators Admins

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and Ask Questions

Kristi Winfree

Kristi Winfree is the owner of Legacy Transactions, founded in 2017. With years of experience in the real estate industry, Kristi has established herself as a leading expert in Transaction Coordination. She created the online course, the Transaction Coordinator Game Plan, to teach others how to start and run their own successful Transaction Coordinator businesses. In addition to running her own business, Kristi also coaches other Transaction Coordinators, helping them navigate the complexities of the industry and achieve their professional goals.

Lisa Vo Webinar with ListedKit for Transaction Coordinators

Watch On Demand

Radically transform your process.

Learn how to group similar tasks together to minimize context switching, streamline your processes, and manage your time more effectively.

Whether you’re new to transaction coordinating or looking to refine your existing methods, this webinar will give you practical insights on how to integrate task batching into your daily routine.

See firsthand how to implement these strategies to maintain clarity, accuracy, and timeliness in your transactions, making your workflow smoother and more manageable.

Take your Transaction Management to the Next Level.