Smart Strategies for Managing High Transaction Volume Efficiently

Apr 19, 2024 | Articles

managing high transaction volume real estate

Being a transaction coordinator (TC) in the residential real estate industry is no easy feat, especially when you’re responsible for managing multiple transactions at once. The constant back-and-forth between tasks, deadlines, and communications can feel relentless, leaving even the most seasoned TC struggling to stay organized and productive. In this blog post, we’ve compiled several strategies for staying organized across multiple transactions, prioritizing and managing time effectively, communicating efficiently, and setting boundaries to avoid burnout. By implementing these practices, TCs can take control of their workload and ensure that no detail falls through the cracks, even as they navigate the ever-changing landscape of real estate transactions. Let’s dive in!

Setting Up Your Foundation

For transaction coordinators juggling a high volume of real estate deals, establishing a consistent and reliable system for organizing files and records is paramount. A well-structured filing structure, whether physical or digital, ensures critical documents and information are always within reach when needed. Transaction coordinators should take the time upfront to set up an organizational system that makes sense for their individual workflow and then adhere to it religiously. This allows them to quickly locate any required information, without the frustration of searching through chaos.

In addition to a robust filing system, transaction coordinators should also leverage digital tools to help keep track of deadlines, action items, and other transaction-specific details. Project management apps and shared online calendars provide a centralized, visual way to map out tasks, responsibilities, and upcoming due dates across all active deals. Utilizing these digital solutions gives transaction coordinators a bird’s-eye view of their workload, enabling them to stay on top of priorities and deadlines with greater ease.

Seasoned transaction coordinators also understand the importance of developing a consistent routine for checking in on each of their active transactions. Whether it’s a weekly status review or a daily 15-minute scan. Taking the time to touch base on where things stand can help identify and address any potential roadblocks before they derail progress.

The result? By establishing organizational systems, leveraging digital tools, and implementing regular review processes, seasoned transaction coordinators can maintain a sense of control and visibility over even the busiest of transaction schedules. For newer TCs looking to streamline their processes, these strategies offer a sturdy foundation for staying on top of it all.

Prioritizing and Managing Time Effectively

As a transaction coordinator (TC) handling a multitude of responsibilities, the key to managing your day effectively lies in your ability to prioritize and manage time. Each transaction features its own set of deadlines and high-priority tasks, which means developing a method to identify and focus on these critical elements is essential.

1. Identifying High-Priority Tasks

Start each day or week by determining which tasks are the most urgent and important across all your transactions. High-priority tasks typically include those with impending deadlines or that are critical to the progression of a transaction, such as submitting client documents by due dates or coordinating inspections. Utilize tools like color-coded calendars or sorting and filtering in your project management software to visually differentiate these tasks from others.

2. Allocating Time and Attention

Once you’ve identified the high-priority tasks, allocate specific times in your day to focus solely on these. This is where time blocking can be particularly effective. Dedicate blocks of time in your schedule to work on high-priority tasks without interruption. During these blocks, avoid checking emails or taking non-urgent calls. If a task is particularly large or complex, break it down into smaller, manageable parts and assign time blocks for each segment. This not only helps in maintaining focus but also provides a clear roadmap to completion.

3. Avoiding Lower-Priority Temptations

It’s easy to get pulled into less important tasks that seem urgent due to their nature or the way they are presented. Resist the temptation by adhering strictly to your prioritized list. If non-urgent tasks arise during your day, add them to a “later” list or delegate them if possible. Keeping focused on what truly matters according to your prioritization will ensure that your productivity isn’t hampered by these distractions.

4. Building in Buffers

Real estate transactions are dynamic, with new developments and changes happening often unexpectedly. To manage this effectively, build buffer times into your schedule. These are blocks of time set aside to deal with unexpected issues or changes in a transaction, such as a last-minute document needing urgent attention or a client request that must be accommodated. Having these buffers ensures you can handle interruptions without significantly disrupting your planned schedule.

5. Recap and Adjust

At the end of each day, spend a few minutes reviewing your completed tasks and adjust your schedule for the next day accordingly. This reflection period allows you to shift priorities as needed based on the progress of your transactions or any new developments that have arisen. It’s also a perfect opportunity to reschedule tasks that were interrupted or not completed, ensuring they don’t get lost in the shuffle.

By mastering these strategies for prioritizing and managing time, transaction coordinators can ensure they’re not only keeping pace with their workload but are also maximizing their efficiency and effectiveness in managing multiple transactions. This approach not only keeps the workflow manageable but also helps in maintaining a high level of service quality and client satisfaction.

Boundary-Setting and Self-Care

In the fast-paced world of real estate transactions, learning to set boundaries is not just important—it’s essential for your long-term success and well-being. As a transaction coordinator, safeguarding your time and managing expectations can help you maintain a sustainable work-life balance.

1. Learning to Say No

One of the toughest skills to master is the ability to tactfully decline unrealistic demands from clients or colleagues. In a recent blog, Allyson Kurak, seasoned TC and owner of Stitched Real Estate, shares her expertise on gracefully saying no. Discover her valuable tips here. It’s crucial to communicate your capabilities and limits clearly. When an overwhelming request comes in, calmly explain why it’s not feasible or propose an alternative. This approach not only maintains a professional demeanor but also helps set realistic expectations for those you work with.

2. Taking Breaks to Recharge

Regular breaks throughout the day are crucial to avoid burnout. These pauses can be as simple as a five-minute walk, stepping outside for fresh air, or disconnecting for a lunch break away from your desk. Such breaks are proven to improve concentration and productivity, and they’re vital for long-term mental and physical health. Encourage a routine that intersperses intense focus periods with short breaks to sustain your energy throughout the day.

3. Cultivating a Support Network

Building a network with other transaction coordinators can provide invaluable support. Sharing experiences, solutions, and challenges with peers who understand the specific pressures of your role can be incredibly reassuring and helpful. Consider joining online forums such as the TCs Empowering TCs – Mastermind Facebook Group, local real estate groups or professional organizations to connect with peers. These networks can also be a great resource for discovering new tools and strategies to enhance your efficiency.


Managing multiple transactions as a transaction coordinator requires more than just organizational skills—it demands strategic prioritization, effective time management, and strong boundary-setting. By implementing the techniques discussed, such as prioritizing tasks effectively, leveraging digital tools for better organization, and setting clear expectations, you can handle a high volume of work without sacrificing your sanity.

Remember, each transaction coordinator has a unique style and set of circumstances. It’s important to experiment with different strategies and tools to find what works best for you. The goal is always to ensure that you are working as efficiently as possible while maintaining a healthy balance between your professional and personal life.

Whether you’re a seasoned transaction coordinator or new to the role and dealing with a surge in volume, embracing these practices will help you stay on top of your game and turn potential overwhelm into manageable, organized success. Continue to learn, adapt, and thrive in your career by keeping these strategies in mind.

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